1, 2 or 3 nights — it’s up to you! : 49 km

A Date with the Stars – Lac-Mégantic Area

Near Lac Mégantic and Lac Drolet, you’ll find choice spots for contemplating the starry sky on reclined benches at the rest stops along Summit Drive.

Learn more
Day 1 : 0 km / 0 min

Tour d’observation des Hautes Appalaches stop

Destination 1 / 5 : This stop offers a spectacular view of the lake at sunset and will blow you away once night falls! Take advantage of the reclined bench to observe the stars. Try to count them all!

Next Destination

11.5 km

Day 1 : 11.5 km / 11 mins

Lac-Mégantic panoramic stop

Destination 2 / 5 : You can admire the heavens even in the heart of downtown! That’s the magic of being in the middle of a dark sky reserve! Enjoy it!

Next Destination
Day 1 : 20.9 km / 16 mins

« Les mots d'enfants » path

Destination 3 / 5 : At Parc de l’OTJ in Audet, a reclined bench gives you a front-row seat to contemplate the sky. Locate the bench in the evening and settle in! Happiness is guaranteed!

Next Destination

15.1 km

Day 1 : 15.1 km / 12 mins

Lac-Drolet stop - Parc du Lac

Destination 4 / 5 : Whether on the reclined bench at Parc du Lac or on the heights of the Maison du Granit, a sky strewn with thousands of stars awaits you. It’s a meeting you don’t want to miss!

Next Destination
Day 1 : 3.3 km / 4 mins

La Maison du Granit

Destination 5 / 5 : C'est sur ce promontoire qui surplombe le lac Drolet et les environs que vous serez Plus près des étoiles! Telle est la devise de la Route des Sommets!



Tour d’observation des Hautes Appalaches stop

Located on the edge of Lac Mégantic, this rest stop is worth the detour!

Lac-Mégantic panoramic stop

Stretch your legs at this rest stop on the side of Rue Laval! In front of you, you’ll see the lake and the silhouette of Mont Mégantic in the distance.

« Les mots d'enfants » path

This one-of-a-kind trail winds through private lands that are often landscaped, allowing walkers see different types of landscaping that highlight the natural beauty of the region.

Lac-Drolet stop - Parc du Lac

This rest stop will enchant you with its view of the lake and Mount Morne.

La Maison du Granit

Located in the heart of an abandoned granite quarry at 680 m high, Maison du Granit provides an exceptional view where mountains, lakes, wind turbines and villages share the stage. It’s a meeting with the history of our region along Summit Drive.