A Date with the Stars: Lac St-François & Lac Aylmer

Are you staying near Grand Lac St-François or Lac Aylmer? Admire the starry sky on reclined benches at the rest stops along this section of Summit Drive.

Giant Solar System

Se mesurant en centaines de millions de kilomètres, notre Système solaire est si vaste qu'il est difficile de bien se le représenter. C'est pourquoi ce Système solaire géant a été créé!

Lambton panoramic stop

The municipality of Lambton invites you to its panoramic rest stop that offers a spectacular view over the Grand Lac St-François.

Pizzeria Casa-Deli

For the past 20 years, this small country restaurant located at the border between Estrie and Beauce has been the pride of local residents.

Coeur villageois de Lambton

“Here, we make the good times last…” This is the promise of the Cœurs Villageois!

Heritage and Historical Route – Galerie d’art du presbytère de Lambton

Heighten your experience in Lambton by exploring a historical and heritage route set up in the Cœur Villageois. This trail will help you discover some important events in the municipality’s history.

Camping du Grand Lac St-François

Parc du Grand lac St-François is a calm, peaceful place that’s ideal for relaxing and having fun with family or friends.

Boulangerie Lambton

Each day, the artisans of Boulangerie Lambton knead several varieties of bread and bake all kinds of pastries. All of their products are made from high-quality local ingredients. Many local Quebec products are also sold there.

A Lake and Mountain Adventure

How about a tailor-made adventure among the lakes and mountains?

A Culture and Nature Adventure!

Follow the route and discover various cultural attractions in the region.